2011. július 15., péntek

„New Image” Complex Sensitizing Project for the Reintegration of Those Living with Mental Problems

We developed our „New Image” Complex Sensitizing Project in 2007 into a complex project by combining our previous projects and their variations into a diverse but uniform system built on project modules that strengthen each other.
1. Since 2004 we have been organizing our cultural clubhouse meetings where the staff and users of daytime care centres for those coping with psychological problems can meet. In 2009 we named the event “Dialogue” for we consciously turned it into a cultural and artistic program creating a space where people affected by mental problems and outsiders can meet personally and get to know each other. Our goal was also to decrease misapprehension and fear connected to psychological problems in a broader range of society; to establish a new, tolerant and understanding attitude – thus decreasing stigmatization, which is often a “second illness” for those living with psychological problems; and to decrease negative discrimination.
2. The „Message in the Bottle” literary and artistic group started off in 2007 in the “Look Out Tower” clubhouse of Soteria Foundation. It was based on the concept and traditions of workshops (“Literary Tea House”, “Painting Session,” the publication titled “Chime” with the works of those living with psychological difficulties) that inspired affected people to use the creative powers of literature and fine arts to express themselves, to search for their identity, to reach plenitude. Soon the group started functioning as a real workshop and editorial room. We consciously let go of professional psycho-social rehabilitation aims, and we did not sustain, as a hidden expectation, the improvement of members’ mental state, nor did we force the process of recovery, nor try to measure and evaluate these processes.  We avoided alienation and objectifying elements which are often used to narrow the rich diversity of the world, which unfolds in blurred images, to the factual data of the material world. These elements subdue processes full of bends, curves and U turns and try to transform them into a linear line, an evenly developing and measurable performance, they try to assess its speed, its “efficiency”, that is. From the start we avoided all forms of art therapy, labelled and restrained by the concept of treatment; instead we encouraged and gave room for independent artistic processes, hoping that oeuvres with artistic and aesthetic value will be born. But there were no expectations.  Our task was to create a time and a space which provides the financial and human background necessary for free and independent artistic activity, to experience common creation, and the unfolding of individual creativity. Within this project module we did not determine indicators to show feedback or output results, but we did completely trust the joyful, energizing, and constructive effects of free artistic creation.
It would be good not to stress that those whose works were published in the latest issue of “Message in the Bottle” come from a discriminated, challenged target group. It is common that unprivileged groups are used to create interest for a work of art (concert, publication, painting) that they produced. We do not want to get stuck in an OPNI (National Psychiatric and Neurological Institute) type Seilig gallery, or the now trendy “Art Brut” – which tries to get attention by managing the works of so called schizophrenics - suddenly becoming popular among the psychiatric authorities of our time, nor do we want to use these trends to make an impression in incongruent anti-stigma campaigns meant for effect, which are often about the conflicts and legitimization problems of professional lobby groups more than about the impaired. We do not wish to join the group that wants to touch people or produce profits by turning diversity into a shoddy spectacle. I hope that tolerance, a more empathetic attitude and the reception of society can work without uproarious big booms, and that a broader segment of society can be sensitized in the integration of those living with mental difficulties.
The second issue of “Message in the Bottle” has been published recently. The presentation of this issue, an unusual literary evening is going to take place at the RS9 Theatre on 21st February with media coverage. The material for the third issue is already being produced and collected, and the development of the technical background for an online version is in process. Due to the inquiry we are also planning the republication of the first issue.  As a preliminary of the website we created a profile on Facebook, called “Message in the Bottle” Workshop.
Our cooperation with the Museum of Fine Arts is also part of out art-module: we regularly visit exhibitions free of charge, besides the permanent exhibitions:  “... And the Incas Arrived,” “The Splendour of the Medici”, “El Greco: In the Wake of Jesus”, Botticelli to Titian”, “From Degas to Picasso”, “Klimt, Nuda Veritas”.
3. Foolery Day
On 1st April 2009 Soteria Foundation organized a one day long cultural event, called Foolery Day. Its goal was to draw attention to the disadvantageous situation and discrimination against those living with mental difficulties. Since then this event has taken place every two years at various sites (RS9 Theatre, Tranzit Art Café, Gödör Club), and on 1st April 2010 we organized a peaceful demonstration, a walking tour from Gödör Club to Vörösmarty square to draw attention to the misshapen image that the media broadcasts of those coping with psychiatric problems, especially in connection with some criminalized cases, and to the fact that this image generates social prejudices and discrimination. http://index.indavideo.hu/video/Ismerjenek_meg_minket/ After the demonstration there was a discussion about the borderlines of mental states with Zsolt Bugarszki, socio-politician, Gábor Gombos, legal aid activist, Károly Molnár psychiatrist and Eszter Vidor. After these experiences with are quite sure that we would like to be louder on these 1st of April events with a cultural and informative programmes. In our opinion there are still too many false and negative prejudices in our society towards those living with mental difficulties or with psycho-social challenges. Our goal with Foolery Day is to ease this deformed image and provide real experience through direct communication. We are looking forward to seeing communities, civil organizations, institutions, services, legal aid movements, who would like to introduce themselves to the inquisitive audience, to those coping with psychological difficulties, their family members, friends...
Practically there is no one in Hungary or the whole world who is not affected directly or indirectly, or who does not know somebody who is affected.  According to WHO data from a few years ago every 4th person suffers from some kind of mental problem in the civilised world. So it does not seem an exaggeration to talk about: “It could happen to me...” Due to the strong danger of stigmatisation only a few dare to communicate about their spiritual, mental problems. This is the situation we would like to change on our next Foolery Day. We are planning exhibitions, performances, plays, family and children’s programmes, a literary coffee house, films, lectures, a round table discussion, concerts on our one day long event. The main organizations taking part are: TASZ (HUCLU, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union), MDAC (Mental Disability Advocacy Center), ELTE TÁTK (ELTE’s Socio-politics, Social Work Department), Szimpla Group.
4. At Soteria Foundation’s Clubhouse a video workshop has existed since 2007, first under the name “Video Mix”, and now “Flashback”. It was here that the idea of making a documentary film titled “Stories” emerged during work processes. The aim of this project-module is to create a documentary film which helps the acceptance of those coping with mental difficulties and ameliorating their peripheral situation in society. In this film people with mental difficulties talk with social workers with whom throughout the years a stable, trustful relationship has developed. With the narrative interviews and the non method-specific techniques direct, campaign-like and didactic anti-stigma can be avoided. In our opinion society can be reached through the man and his story and not by diagnosis-labels (schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, depression, etc). In these interviews it is necessary to allow the free flow of the life stories, this requires a relationship based on reliance and partnership. The concept of the documentary was established by those living with psychological problems and social workers together. We plan to enter our film for the Hungarian Film Week, we would also like to make appearance on TV and at cinemas possible in order to stimulate a change in the approach among a broader audience. We would consider the decrease in prejudices and stereotypes towards those living with mental difficulties, the moderation of stigmatisation and discrimination, and the facilitation of the target group’s social integration  as a successful result.
Documentaries already complete:
-          “Underground in psychiatrics? Underground in culture.” or the antecedent of a paradigm change (Dr József Gerevich’s and Jenő Menyhért’s discussion at Soteria Foundations’s Clubhouse in the “When If Not Now” series, documentary film)
-          András Feldmár at the Soteria Foundation’s Clubhouse on 17th November 2009
5. Soteria Foundation’s intellectual workshop started in the second half of the 1990s. It has existed in several phases, the latest one ended at the beginning of 2010. The themes and guests were:
- Life in the Family, Dr Katalin Baráth, Benedek Fliegauf, film director (Tranzit Art Cafe);
- On Our Ancestors’ Track, Genetics or Family Pattern, Zsuzsa Hermann, Eszter Csákányi, András Dés (Tranzit Art Cafe);
Therapy Communities, Béla Gál,; a Thalassa House, Psychotherapeutic and  Psychiatric Rehabilitation Institution; Sándor Lisznyai, psychologist, ’Megálló Group’/ ELTE BTK; Etelka Juhász, clinical psychologist (Gödör Klub);
Feldmár András: Nearness-Distance – the Borders of Intimacy, ” (Gödör Klub);
Communication Before Birth, Dr Jenő Raffai, Bori Hopál (Tranzit Art Cafe);
Art? Therapy? Art and Mental Problems, Szilvia Granasztói, László Németh, Zita Zvolszky (Tranzit Art Cafe);
Madly Close – Madly Far: Relationships, Orsolya Karafiáth - poet, translator, publicist; János Szabófamily doctor and Pál Varga family therapist (Gödör Klub);
Madness For Christmas, Dr Piroska Komlósi – psychologist, , family therapist (Gödör Klub);
Closing OPNI (National Psychiatric and Neurological Institute), Desinstitutionalising, Prof. Dr Zoltán Nagy director of OPNI, Dr Magda Pável psychiatrist, Zsolt Bugarszki, socio-politician(Tranzit Art Cafe);
Symptoms in the Soul, the Medicalisation of Mental Problems, Gábor Gombos, legal aid activist; Szendi Gábor, psychologist (Tranzit Art Cafe);
The Thousand Faces of Loneliness, János Fiala, Erzsébet Hanisch (Gödör Klub);
From Thought to Act – Suicide, László Donáth (Gödör Klub);
Diagnosis – Stigmatisation – Bioethics, Dr József Kovács, bioethic (Gödör Klub);
The Interpretation Models of Mental Disorders, László Bóna, homeopath;  Dr Angster Mária (Gödör Klub);
The Importance of Adolescence in Personality Development, Attila Szarka, the director of the Corrective Institution at Aszód; Zoltán Iring clinical psychiatrist, the head of the Family Aid and Children’s Welfare Centre in the 12th district (Gödör Klub).
We are starting a new series within this project, in 2011 our plan is to invite among others: András Feldmár, Leon Redler, Thomas Szasz. We would like to invite mainly well-known artists, scientists, people of public life, professional helpers who themselves suffer from psychiatric problems, so that they can share their own experiences of the illnesses and of coping with them.
6. The Drama Group restarted at the beginning of 2008 within Soteria Foundation. Between 2004-2007 it was called “Stone Jug”. With the cooperation of Soteria and the RS9 Theatre, the play titled “Scenes from the Diary of a Maniac Woman” was presented in 2009. “But is it possible to build so many miseries, so much suffering into a play without making it disbelieving? Unfortunately, it is. In Hungary today catastrophic life situations are common, the play is realistic, realist, if you wish. Its cathartic effect is due to the fact – apart from the above mentioned – that the self-, family – and society inspection with a microphone is self-therapy and an objectified piece of art at the same time. (...) We are facing the eternal questions of insanity and creativity: does the recording of madness and transforming it to art help processing? Does changing the stigma of insanity into an artist identity help? Can a next psychotic state be avoided? (Kornél Zipernovszky: “Mania lábon kihordott”. in: www.revizoronlinr.com/hu/cikk/1946/kriszta-horvath-jelenetek-egy-manias-no-naplojabol-rs9/ )
The leaders of Soteria’s Drama Group are Katalin Lábán (director, actress) and Kriszta Horváth (social worker). People taking part in the workshop are people with mental difficulties, they receive a training in acting within the workshop. The work is based on improvisation, it uses the frames of situational exercises (Where are we? Who are we? In what relations? What are we doing?), Viola Spolin’s improvisation and Rudolf Lábán’s movement techniques. The source of the improvisations comes from the experiences of the participants, they act out scenes from their own lives, serious, cathartic scenes at times, which are then lifted into the sphere of art, shifted to a fictional space. In this first phase the revealing of real life experiences, of catastrophic life situations are brought to the surface by spontaneous acting (participants enter their role). These experiences emerge from the unconscious. Participants have no reflected knowledge of these, at every occasion they face unknown, unexpected experiences in this first phase. The emerged experiences then, in the next phase, become useful materials for the theatre’s workshop, they are turned into improvisational products by theatrical techniques. This product becomes removed from the personal level, it becomes a role, a spontaneous situation. Through their concrete, unrepeatable portrayal they convey more general, humanistic experiences. Turning the situations into scenes is done in a unusual way, as no definite, predetermined, no bound elements are used in order to preserve the spontaneity, the freedom, the lifelikeness of the final scenes. Thus each scene is completely unique, they take shape and develop into a solution then and there in the theatrical space. The roles are based on personalities, this creates lifelikeness as well as humour and absurdity, quality and catharsis for the audience.  The structure of the performance, improvisational scenes (the titles are given in Hungarian as translation cannot convey all connotations):  - Borzolt anya,  - A családi kör (négy)szögesítése,  - Tetszel, de nem tetszem neked, - Háromszög: bizalom a küszöb alatt,  - Egyneműek barátsága,  - Menekülés síppal, droggal, piával és nádi hegedűvel, - Hajléktalanok a barátaim, hajléktalanok a lakásomban! - Hívjad a yardot, hívjad a mentőt!: egy „zenés szállítás” története,  - Csere-szerep: én vagyok a pszichiáterem, - Ő az uccsó-gondozóm . . .  The play can be seen at the RS9 Theatre within the project module, we plan five free performances. If it is possible, following these occasions the performances could continue from the income of ticket sales. A video documentation is made of the performances.
7. Soteria Foundation’s Look Out Tower Terrace guest “house” is a relatively new project module, it reinforces reintegration and social reception in its microenvironment.   Within this project element, the Clubhouse (a day time care centre for psychiatric patients) turns into a cultural guesthouse for a day by inviting the inhabitants of the 15 storey building containing 169 flats (Budapest 1035, 36 Szentendrei str.) where the institution is situated on the ground floor, and also inviting the inhabitants of the block of flats in the vicinity, as well as the enquirers of the district and the whole city. Apart from the facilities of the Clubhouse we would use the garden-like area just outside the institution which is separated from the street by hedges. Films: informative and anti-stigma films that help strengthen  the equal opportunities of those living with psychiatric problems, workshop discussions made in Soteria Foundation, the documentary titled “András Feldmár at the Soteria Foundation’s Clubhouse on 17th November 2009”, a video film showing the everyday life of the institution. András Feldmár’s and  Benedek Fliegauf’s film: “Is There Life Before Death”. “Mental Tea Club”: discussion based on the films and personal experiences, group work with those living with mental difficulties and those living in the vicinity (mosaic group): how do they perceive each other, what kind of connection points can they find between each other; where is the border between mental health and illness; where is the overlap,  the contact points, the preventable transition. Creative craft workshops for children and their parents, (clay work, beading, painting, drawing). Barbecue party with psychiatric patients and with guests from the block of flats. Cabaret Medrano (Imre Kamondy’s) concert. The aim of the event is to create a meeting point every week/ every two weeks on Saturdays where the inhabitants of the block of flats in the neighbourhood and the users of the day care institution can meet regularly. With this the goal is to decrease the segregation of the institution and the prejudices against those living with psychological problems, the easing of negative discrimination. On the other hand  - using the tools of social work and mental hygienic interventions, which have been created for the development of community methods – the day care institution becomes a new type socio-cultural site than can be reached by those living in the neighbourhood ; the clubhouse facilities would provide informal meetings; discussion next to a cup of tea or coffee; or even while washing clothes (one of the clubhouse’s services is using the washing machine), and bumping into a friend, neighbour; finding time for being together, creating relationships with those who run by each other on weekdays. And, according to needs we would organise more structured club workshops: mental hygienic-prevention, lifestyle-  consultation, of cultural, leisure time and recreationalnature.

Kristóf Miklós festménye

2011. július 9., szombat

Meghívó: Kilátó terasz - kulturális Vendég-Fogadó

Kedves Barátaink! Szerettel várunk Benneteket a "Kilátó terasz" rendezvényünkre 2011 július 30-án, szombaton, 12.00 - 20.00 óra között (1035 Bp.Szentendrei út 36./Kilátó Klubház)!


12.00 – 14.00:
„Tiszta őrület” című film
A vetítés után beszélgetés Kerényi Mihállyal, a film rendezőjével és Deák Sándorral


„Színjátszó” (Kilátó Klubház)

18.00 – 20.00
Dryvia és a Cabaret Medrano együttesek koncertje